Free yourself from negative mind chatter – and unleash a happier, more confident YOU
Do you…
- Think over and over again about negative things that have happened to you – running them through your head every which way?
- Constantly beat yourself up – even over the ‘small stuff’?
- Experience the same negative emotions over and over again?
- Feel yourself spiralling downward into a ‘black hole’ of negativity?
Rumination – otherwise known as ‘repetitive negative mind chatter’ – is the tendency to fixate on, obsess or worry about things that have happened to you and replay them in your mind over and over again.
It also affects your ability to problem solve, creates bad feelings, kills your motivation and confidence, leads to self-criticism and self-blame, and zaps your motivation.
This six-week, self-directed online course led by author, speaker and positive psychology expert, Louisa Jewell will teach you how to:
- Build awareness about your thoughts
- Stop the repetitive cycle of thoughts dead in their tracks
- Change your inner thoughts and how you speak to yourself
- Move from pessimistic thoughts to optimistic ones
- Manage your emotions and redirect your focus
- Be kind do yourself and practice self-compassion
- Separate self-worth from accomplishments, and
- Kiss perfectionism goodbye
- More happiness and positivity
- Better mental health and greater overall well-being
- More confidence
- Less resistance
- Higher productivity
- Better, stronger friendships and connections
- A newfound self-worth
- More self-compassion, and Freedom from perfectionism
- A bigger, better life
- 27 videos, organized into six modules
- Dozens of exercises, tools, strategies and resources to help boost your learning
- Accompanying worksheets that will help you incorporate this into your life
- Access to Louisa Jewell – and an entire community of like-minded people – for support via a private, students-only Facebook group
- Scheduled bi-monthly online ‘office hours’ with Louisa Jewell so you can ask questions and get support as you work through the material
Get started now!
- Collette Johns
Your Instructor
Louisa Jewell is a speaker, author, and Canada's leading expert in positive psychology. She has taught thousands of people to flourish – both at work and in their personal lives – using positive psychology.
In 2012 Louisa founded the Canadian Positive Psychology Association, an organization that brings together leading-edge researchers and practitioners from across Canada to disseminate the knowledge of positive psychology and improve the psychological health of all Canadians.
Louisa is a graduate of the ground-breaking Master of Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) program at the University of Pennsylvania which is the first master's program in the world that offers in-depth study of the science of psychological well-being, led by renowned psychologist, Dr. Martin Seligman. Louisa is a professor of positive psychology at the University of Texas and was an instructor at the University of Toronto and regularly delivers webinars and workshops to positive psychology practitioners around the world. Louisa co-hosted a weekly radio show for three years on CIUT.FM where she interviewed a wide range of interesting guests on the topic of 'energizing organizations'.
Her work has been featured in Forbes, The Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, Huffington Post, Canadian Living Magazine, Live Happy Magazine, Chatelaine, Psychology Today, Women's Agenda, Toronto Sun, CHCH TV, Zoomer Magazine, Shape Magazine, to name a few. She has been a contributing author to the European Handbook of Positive Psychology, Positive Psychology at Work and Positive Psychology News Daily.
Her latest book Wire Your Brain for Confidence, The Science of Conquering Self-Doubt hit the book shelves on September 21, 2017. You can order it now on and
Frequently Asked Questions
- Barbara Santen